Quadstor VTL on Ubuntu 17.10

von Torsten Ziegler

Quadstor VTL is a free virtual tape library. While i did not test it in a production environment i use it extensively in application testing.

With some minor tweaks it runs perfectly on ubuntu 17.10.

First you will have to use an older kernel in your ubuntu installation.
As of version 3.0.21 the quadstor VTL can run on linux 4.9 kernels, have a look at the release notes, as newer kernels might be supported in the future.
As of writing this the mainline kernel 4.9.72 had been the latest, but again check for updates.
Follow the ubuntu instructions to install the latest supported kernel.

Then download the Debian packages from Quadstor VTL, i am running lately the 3.0.24 and 3.0.25 versions.

Before installation make sure to back up your local webserver index file located in /var/www/html/index.html as it will be overriden during the install. Then follow the installation instructions.

If you would like to use disk partitions for storage pools you will have to enable back the partition detection, as this has been disabled after the 3.0.16 tp 3.0.18 versions.
For this create/edit the file /quadstorvtl/etc/quadstor.conf and set EnableDiskPartitions=1
echo "EnableDiskPartitions=1" >> /quadstorvtl/etc/quadstor.conf

Restore your /var/www/html/index.html file, you can access the quadstor VTL under /var/www/html/vtindex.html.



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